With drones and pelleted seeds

500,000 HECTARES

Forests are already suffering from climate change, which poses enormous challenges for forest owners.
With Skyseed, we are helping to quickly secure and reforest areas - for sustainable CO2 storage, more biodiversity and a world worth living in for us and future generations.

*According to DLR alone between 2018 and 2021


günstiger als konventionelle Pflanzmethoden


schneller und in unwegsamen Gebieten einsetzbar


bessere Anwachsquote des Saatguts


We combine high-tech with knowledge of healthy forest ecosystems. In our projects we follow three steps.

reforestation by drone


Every forest is different. Together with you, we analyze the situation and plan the sowing based on the desired target stocking and suitable tree species selection.

pelleted seeds, seed pelleting


We pellet the seeds to protect them from wildlife, wind and weather. At the same time, this gives the seedlings significantly better starting conditions.

drone seeding Reforestation by Drone


Our trained pilots spread the seed pellets over large areas or in clumps using semi-autonomous drones. Precision work tailored to your location.

Reforestation by Drone




Whether after storm damage, beetle damage, fire or drought stress - we support reforestation from the forest floor to the target tree.


Forest conversion

We introduce undersowing into the crop to establish a diversity tailored to the location, where natural regeneration would take generations.


Securing area

With our non-damming pre-forest mixture, we protect areas from competing vegetation, sun exposure, erosion and promote the preservation of soil life.

drone seeding
Reforestation by Drone
Reforestation by Drone


By sowing, we address the increasing problems of planting seedlings in times of climate change: no transplant shock, no damage to the roots during planting, and the fine roots in particular can develop as best as possible directly in the forest soil. We significantly reduce the typical risks of direct sowing through our specially developed pelleting process:


The pelleting protects the seed and later seedling from predators and drought. It also gives it a head start so that it can take root in its future location.


The pellets are made from 100% natural, harmless, organic raw materials produced in Germany. We therefore do not use pesticides or polymers.


The pellets enable the spreading of even the finest seeds, which would be impossible to sow by hand. This makes some forestry seeds machine-processable and allows them to be spread precisely.


Which tree species can be planted?


We plant everything that is ecologically and silviculturally sensible and technically possible. For example alder, pine, larch, rowan, birch, douglas fir, coastal fir and maple . Our seeds are supplemented with herbaceous and shrubby species that provide rapid shade, protect the soil from drying out, reduce browsing, prevent nutrient export and promote soil life. Heavy-fruiting seeds such as acorns, sweet chestnuts and nuts are not suitable for surface sowing by drone, as they should be placed a few cm/inch deep in the soil. However, we are also working on soil-based sowing methods - just talk to us! Sowing with us is not only an alternative to planting, but also ideal as a risk-reducing accompanying or advance measure. With a site-appropriate mixture of pioneer species, we actively improve the conditions for establishing a stand in the form of a preliminary forest. Other target tree species such as beech, oak or silver fir can then be planted at different times with significantly reduced risk.

How big does the area have to be?


There is no doubt that drone seeding is most effective on large areas. If the areas become too small, the preparation and travel times are no longer in proportion to the actual sowing. In concrete terms, this means that a region should have around 5-10 hectares of sowing area. You can also join forces with the neighboring area here. The individual areas can be much smaller, however. Around 0.5-1 ha is possible here. If the areas are so close to each other that it is not necessary to move the drone, even smaller areas are possible.

What are the costs of spreading seed pellets with Skyseed?


Every area, and therefore every order, is different and depends on many factors. For example, the location, size and condition of the area play an important role, but also the desired target planting and the availability of seed and much more. Our prices start at around €3,000/ha and are therefore always lower than for area planting. Please send us your non-binding inquiry and we will get in touch with you: anfrage(at) (please replace the (at) with @)

What are the advantages of sowing over planting?


Sowing is the most natural reforestation method. Just as in natural regeneration itself, the mature seeds fall to the ground. In contrast to planted crops, the seedlings thus form a completely intact root system and thus better fine roots. This represents an enormous advantage in times of climate change and ensures more vital, stable and resilient stands in the long term. This effect is further increased by the natural selection of the countless seedlings in different microhabitats.

The "plant shock" that is otherwise often observed does not occur, so that growth takes place under optimal conditions and is not delayed. In addition, thanks to pelleting, we are also able for the first time to sow herbaceous, non-damping vegetation on calamity areas to quickly secure the area.

Wich drone is used?


Starting this season, we're using our brand new SKYSEED X8 octocopter. We've designed it from scratch specifically for our purposes. By doubling the flight time and payload, we can now lift around 20kg of pellets and sow up to two hectares in just one flight.

We're still using our two Alta X from Freefly Systems with a wingspan of 2.3m, 11kg payload and our self-developed sowing mechanism as support.

Can you also sow in rows?


Yes! We are happy to adapt to your personal requirements and those of your location and, thanks to RTK GPS, we can sow with an accuracy of just a few centimeters.

Won't the seeds be eaten by animals?


The biggest benefit of our pelleting is to reduce seed predation by mice, snails and birds. A large proportion of the seeds germinate while still surrounded by the protective pellet matrix. In comparison, unpelleted seeds would be eaten in very high numbers.

How do you deal with game?


The same applies to seedlings as to planting: when there are large numbers of game, active hunting or fencing is a good idea to minimize losses caused by game.

Fortunately, young plants from seed or natural regeneration are less at risk of browsing than nursery plants, which are more likely to attract game due to mineral-fertilized soil. By enriching our species mix with filler and sapling wood as well as herbaceous species and supporting woody plants, the target tree species are not alone in the open field, but are surrounded by a variety of grazing.

In winter, repellents are also a sensible solution. We also advocate structural diversity on the areas, which should under no circumstances be completely cleared. Log waste such as crown parts, branches and brushwood not only offer protection against browsing, they also improve the microclimate and form the basis for humus buildup and nutrient supply.

Can I just have my seed pelletized or can I buy pelleted seed?


That is basically possible, yes. However, there are some general conditions to be observed, particularly regulatory ones. Please contact us and we will find a solution!
anfrage(at) (please replace the (at) with @)

Which tree species will still be suitable in the future given climate change?


Unfortunately, there is no simple answer to this question. Forestry research and testing facilities have been studying this question for many decades, but due to the unclear climatic development, predictions are very difficult to make. With the help of our climate matrix and various current forecasts, research results and practical tools, we nevertheless try to offer decision-making support and are happy to advise you. What is certain is that nature draws on diversity and, especially in unstable situations, achieves stability through natural selection from a diverse mixture. In addition, the storage of CO2 can only be maintained in the long term through the strategic selection of seed sources that are best adapted to the future climatic conditions at a location (assisted migration).

Is area preparation necessary? How harmful is competing vegetation?


Many of the seeds we plant are so-called mineral soil germinators - and even if they are robust pioneer seeds, sooner or later every seedling needs a connection to the soil in order to be able to take root and be supplied with sufficient water in good time. We usually always inspect the sowing areas in advance and decide together with you whether and, if so, what kind of area preparation is necessary.

If the area is already heavily overgrown with dense vegetation, e.g. with 1 m high blackberry hedges, bracken or reed grass, then it is usually no longer suitable for sowing. We also determine the suitability for our methods during an on-site appointment at your area.

Werden die Kosten für die Kulturpflege bei der Saat höher?


Depending on the species selection and location, the effort required to maintain the crop may be higher than with planting, as the seedlings are not "lined up" and may have to be manually removed. However, if the area is suitable, the advantages of sowing outweigh the disadvantages: natural selection and therefore ideal adaptation to the location increase the chances of survival and growth of the strongest trees.

In addition, the costs of sowing are lower than those of planting with comparable numbers of plants. This means that, despite the increased effort required, the bottom line is that the costs for the entire secured crop are lower. We are convinced that an honest financial assessment today must also take into account the significantly increased risk of failure of a conventional planting of 2-4 target tree species due to climate change.

The diversity that you can establish on your areas with a Skyseed sowing cannot be planted in this way, dramatically reduces these future risks and may turn out to be "priceless" in a few years.

Where do you get the seeds from? Do you pay attention to their origins?


Of course, we pay attention to the appropriate origins, which are in Germany regulated in the Forest Reproductive Material Act and the most recent country-specific origin recommendations. We only obtain the seed from certified harvest stocks. HKGs (areas of origin) and VKGs (areas of occurrence) have been stored for every location in Germany in our self-developed seed calculator, as well as approved replacement origins. After sowing, you will receive a delivery note with master certificates for each item.

If sowing is to take place in a country other than Germany, it is best if you obtain your own seeds or refer us to a local contact.

When is the ideal time to sow?


The time of sowing has a decisive influence on the success of a sowing, which is why we take great care to choose it correctly. Basically, the sowing season is in the winter months. However, the ideal time within the season depends on the specific species mix, the location and the weather, and is therefore individual.

Can't I just leave my bare area to itself and allow natural succession?


In principle, this is of course possible, but in most cases it is not a good idea: within the first three years after an area is cleared, a large proportion of the nutrients are washed out, so that the productivity of the subsequent stand will be severely limited. There is also a risk that the area will be overgrown by damming vegetation and future establishment measures will be significantly more expensive.
The potential of natural seeding is also usually overestimated, because there are often no vital mother trees of pioneer species in large pure stands. Therefore, sowing pre-forest species in particular to quickly secure the area proves to be a timely immediate measure in order to later plant areas more easily and cheaply with target tree species. Of course, the planting of pioneer-capable target tree species by direct sowing is also possible and makes sense with us.


We are a team of forestry experts, engineers, programmers and drone developers.

Our passion: Establishing healthy, climate-stable, near-natural (commercial) forests together with forest owners - quickly, cost-efficiently and smartly.

Ole Seidenberg

Ole Seidenberg

Partnerships & Sales

Dominik Wind

Dominik Wind

Ecology & Consulting

Simon Wind

Simon Wind

Product & Development

Ieva Bebre Ökologie

IevA BEbrE

Research & Ecology

Dominik Petzold, PM

Dominik Petzold

Customer Service & PM

Leonard Sauter PM


Customer Service & PM

Markus Patas Drohnensaat

Markus Patas

Drones & Pilot

Daniel Sachse Drohnensaat

Daniel Sachse

Programming & Pilot

Raphael Müller Drohnensaat

Raphael Müller

Engineering & Pilot

Sehera Nawaz Software Engineer

sehera nawaz

Senior Software Engineer

Denise Sengül Software

denise sengül

Software Engineer

Judith Gampe


Senior Process Designer

Mariusz Nowak Controlling

Mariusz Nowak

Finance & Controlling

Gesine Michel Internal Operations

Gesine michel

Internal Operations

Reenste Seidenberg

Reenste seidenberg

Back Office

Reenste Seidenberg

Linus Garrelts

Research & Pelletizing


simon goldenberg

Ecology & Pelletizing

Andre Holstein


Research & Pelletizing

Johannes Miczajka

Johannes Miczajka

Ecology & Pelletizing

Reforestation by Drone



Are you interested or would you like to sow with SKYSEED?


+49 (0) 162 9790606


Would you like to start a CO2 compensation campaign with us or cooperate in another way?


+49 (0) 162 9790606

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Would you like to report on SKYSEED or do you have another request?


+49 (0) 1522 1582331

please replace the (at) with an @
Reforestation by Drone Reforestation by Drone